Rock On
Welcome to my blog. I had the idea of starting a blog since a long time, but didn't know what to write about. But finally I have made up my mind to kick off the blog with a review of the recently released Bollywood movie Rock On, which is making waves as well as a lot of money at the box office. Rock On is truly rocking movie-goers across the country right now and it deserves all the praise and appreciation that it is generating. After experiencing it myself, I can assure you that Rock On is going to be a landmark in the ever so long journey of Hindi cinema. To be frank, I expected to see a lot of wildness and break-all-the-rules attitude, as anyone who has watched the promos would, and I don't say that the movie lets you down on that, but what takes you by a pleasant surprise is the amazing grip of the story as it shifts gears smoothly from the wild-rock-band attitude to the much more real, mature and relate-able for the general audience carry-on-with-life-as-it-is attitude. I...