
Showing posts from 2008

The Global Financial Crisis

Hello to all my friends who were bugged by me into reading (and commenting on) my first post & welcome to my blog once again. Yeah its been quite some time since I wrote my first post. So here I am writing the second post of my blog.Well, lets talk about the current events and news (I promise, I'll try to keep it interesting and readable). The biggest development (or disaster) in recent times has been the meltdown of the financial markets on Wall Street, New York (for the uninitiated, thats the hub of the world's largest Financial Insitutions) and the subsequent domino effect on major financial institutions in Europe and all over. The largest of the Banks are going bankrupt, the markets are at their lowest in recent history, oil prices though lower than what they were 4 months ago, are still high, in short, we are going through a big financial crisis. And it has the potential to snowball into an unparalelled economic depression engulfing the world economy. So what are the C...

Rock On

Welcome to my blog. I had the idea of starting a blog since a long time, but didn't know what to write about. But finally I have made up my mind to kick off the blog with a review of the recently released Bollywood movie Rock On, which is making waves as well as a lot of money at the box office. Rock On is truly rocking movie-goers across the country right now and it deserves all the praise and appreciation that it is generating. After experiencing it myself, I can assure you that Rock On is going to be a landmark in the ever so long journey of Hindi cinema. To be frank, I expected to see a lot of wildness and break-all-the-rules attitude, as anyone who has watched the promos would, and I don't say that the movie lets you down on that, but what takes you by a pleasant surprise is the amazing grip of the story as it shifts gears smoothly from the wild-rock-band attitude to the much more real, mature and relate-able for the general audience carry-on-with-life-as-it-is attitude. I...