
Showing posts from 2010

Kaltxi ("Hello" in Na'vi Language)

For the uninitiated, this is the character Neytiri from James Cameron's on-its-way-to-being-the-biggest-all-time-blockbuster movie, Avatar. Neytiri is a Na'vi princess. Na'vi are the indigenous(read tribal) natives of a distant celestial body Pandora , where Avatar's story is setup. One month back, after the movie's release, fantastic opening and critical acclaim, people were calling it the Jurassic Park for the new generation, now after Avatar has broken all previous records at the box office in terms of business and popularity, it is being compared to Star Wars, the movie that established Science-fiction as a genre in Hollywood. The reason I chose to use Neytiri's picture in this post is because Neytiri represents the perfect combination of beauty, strength and values that constitutes the masterpiece, Avatar. On the outside Avatar is beautiful with all the complex 3D effects and motion capture technology used in production. But what really makes the m...